under construction - 2024. 01. 06.
hi, my name is køba,
I have 6 years of experience in
- research (→) (UX, market, product)
- design (→) (UX, product, game, dataviz)
- analysis (→) (data, product, psychometry)
- consulting (→)
- founding and advising startups
…various industries
- big banks to fintech (→)
- AI startups (→)
- Research SaaS (→)
- non violent dog school
- Web3 Startups
My sweet spot…
…is in the intersection of:
technology ∩ psychology ∩ value creation
Formal Education
⭐⭐⭐⭐ English
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spanish
⭐ German ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hungarian (native)